Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Testing, Testing....

As I've mentioned before, Carson has several food allergies.  Avoidance of the offending foods has worked for us so far, but at her one-year appointment, Carson's doctor recommended we see an allergist for a few reasons. 

The main reason is vaccines.  Add this to the list of things I didn't know before I was a mom, but two of the shots Carson was supposed to get at her one-year check-up are grown in eggs.  Therefore, her egg allergy could pose a risk when receiving these immunizations.  Before giving them to her, C's pediatrician wanted to find out the severity of her allergy to see if we could follow through.

Also, it was important for us to know if any of her allergies are bad enough to warrant keeping an epi pen on-hand in case of a severe reaction. 

So we took Carson to the allergist Monday morning for testing, not knowing what to expect.  I went plenty as a kid, but never this young.  C's pediatrician gave us the impression that they were going to draw blood and test it.  So imagine my horror when I called to make the appointment and was informed, "Dress her comfortably--it will either be in her arm or her NECK."  I hung up feeling nauseous, wondering what the crap this lady was planning to do to my child (and how much wine would fit in a grocery cart on a Monday afternoon).

The morning was not fun.  There was lots of crying, screaming, dramatics...and don't even get me started on Carson.  *ba-DUM-bum*  But I have decided to focus on the positives of the day, which are as follows:

1. Carson got to see the exact same allergist I went to as a child.  It was great to visit with him again and catch up--and very reassuring to know she was in good hands, hands my parents had trusted with me so long ago.

2. They did not draw blood from her neck.  After listening to C's symptoms, the doctor decided to do a skin test instead.  This was a better experience than drawing blood would have been...but it still sucked.  They had to stick her with 24 tiny needles, each containing a possible allergen on the tip. 

Then we had to wait 15 minutes while her skin reacted.  We passed the time by reading books.  And everything is more fun when standing on a stool, so....

3. Carson does not have any food allergies we were unaware of.  She reacted to dairy and eggs, just like we expected.

4. Carson CAN get her vaccines.  Her reaction was not strong enough to warrant the risk of not being vaccinated.  See rant below for more on this topic.

5. There is nothing wrong with C's short-term memory.  She did not want the nurse who pricked her to come within 10 yards of her--the mere sight of this sweet mild-mannered woman sent Carson into hysterics long after the test had been given.  However, by the time we left, Carson was charming the nurses, saying, "doctor? doctor?" and sticking stickers all over her shirt.

6. Carson does need to have an epi pen on hand.  While it is uncommon for allergic reactions to suddenly escalate from the skin welts C gets to a throat-closing, tongue-swelling one, it's possible and it sometimes happens.  The doctor said the epi pen is sort of like a fire extinguisher--you'll hopefully never need it.  You will most likely look at it one day and realize it has expired and you never even touched it.  But it's so much better to have it & not use it than to need it & not have it.  As scary as it is to think of having to use the thing, it is far more frightening to imagine not having one if she had a serious reaction.  So this is a positive.

7.  Carson is very forgiving of us.  While she was super-pissed and confused that Brandon and I were holding her still for this devil-woman to stick her in the back, she immediately wanted to be held and comforted by Brandon.  On the way home, she wanted to cuddle with my hand. And she later woke up from her nap acting as if it never happened.  I, on the other hand, am still recovering (it reminds me of when I went with my friend Angie and her tiny baby twins to get their immunizations, and Angie and I were both crying at least as much as--and definitely for longer than--the babies).

8. It feels good to know for sure--what she is allergic to, what she isn't, what to do from here.  Big sigh of relief. 

9. Stickers make kids happy.

So the day was a success, a relief, and a load off of our shoulders.

*And here's the rant.
I hate to get all soap-box-y but I feel I MUST say this and get it off of my chest. First, I understand everyone has to do what they feel is best for their children.  I generally think it's pointless and silly to judge another person's parenting, because there are so many 'right' ways to do it.
But I have to ask, if you are fortunate enough to be able to get your child immunized, please do! There are so many kids in our country who are unprotected, not by choice but because they can't get the shots (or their bodies fail to make the antibodies needed), and it's so unfair for them (and other kids too, since no child is fully immunized and protected until around age 5) to be needlessly exposed to horrific illnesses.  Thankfully, C will most likely be able to get her shots without any problems, but the thought of Carson potentially contracting a life-threatening disease because she couldn't get the vaccine because it could kill her--from a child who could be protected but whose parents chose not to--well, that thought just scares the crap out of me. And if I'm honest, it makes me pretty mad. Obviously, many illnesses we vaccinate against are obsolete in the U.S. (um, BECAUSE of vaccines, by the way). But so many people travel out of the country these days--and recent outbreaks of measles and whooping cough in the U.S. are proof that we are not rid of the diseases against which we vaccinate!
I agree with some who feel that we sometimes over-medicate our children (and ourselves) but vaccines are on a very short list of THE GREATEST MEDICAL ADVANCES EVER, up there with (and, depending who you ask, above) penicillin and sanitation.  Why not take advantage of their greatness?  There are children on this planet literally paying with their lives every day because they don't have access to immunizations--and we can get them for a measle-y (pun intended) $15 co-pay but choose not to?!?! Come on, people!

Okay, could somebody please help me down off this box?  There's a glass of wine calling my name over there.  Thanks for reading, if you're still with me!

And way to go, Carson!  You were a champ today!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Snow Days 2011

Here's our obligatory blog about the great snow shut-in of 2011.  What a crazy week here in Georgia!  I have no complaints about the 4 days we had together at home (not counting the weekend before).  It was such a gift to be able to spend some no-stress time as a family (plus, I had been to the grocery store on Sunday, so we were fully stocked).

Brandon and I tried really hard to be grateful for this gift of time as a family, without thinking of all the things we could be doing out there in the world.  And we're also trying really hard not to focus on the "woulda coulda shoulda" list of things we might have gotten done around the house but didn't this week.  Because it's a long one :)

So here's how our week went down:

Day 1
This is as close as Carson wanted to get to the snow on the first day:

And this is what Brandon and I did for fun:

Day 2
Brandon got a brilliant idea that kept us entertained the rest of the week:

Carson was much better able to enjoy the outside when she didn't have to touch anything except the raft.  And we had some really great neighborhood bonding on day 2 as well.  One set of neighbors has a 3rd grader who played with Brandon, shared his sled, and took a few turns on our raft.  And here is the snowman he built, Bob.  Carson loved Bob.

His dad and mom brought out their fire pit and some marshmallows to roast. 

Another set of neighbors made hot cocoa and brought it out for everyone. And yet another family in our cul de sac brought out their son, who is a few months older than Carson, to play.

And when we were inside, we played with the camera.  Here, she is looking at herself in the viewer of the camera:
Day 3
More sledding fun--why not go down head-first?

And we ventured out for dinner to a Mexican place nearby, along with Jana, Seth, and Lila.  It was great to get out a little bit--and surprisingly, the place was packed!

Day 4
More of the same.  This was our last rafting day (our neighbors stopped by day 2, but we kept it going strong throughout the week!).  Brandon and I also enjoyed watching some movies this week while Carson was napping--we can't remember the last time we watched a movie during the day.  Carson was so sleepy after playing outside, she'd take a nap long enough for us to get in a flick.  It was fun just being able to lounge on the couch in the middle of the day and watch an entire film!

And Carson learned how to do a headstand.  Impressive, right?

Day 5
Brandon went to work (boo!) so our snow week was technically over.  Sad!

Hope you guys had a great time with your families and were able to do some relaxing and enjoy being at home with nowhere to go.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Two White Christmasses

I want to begin by saying what a phenomenal holiday season we had this year.  Brandon and I went back to work feeling more refreshed, loved, blessed, and grateful than we ever have. 

Our first white Christmas was here in Georgia and began on Christmas Eve with Mass.  We got there very early to get a seat, and by the time the service started, Carson was finished.  As a result, Brandon and I each experienced portions of the Mass and filled each other in later :)  One of us was pretty much always outside or in the hallway, keeping Carson from snack-stealing and water-fountain-hoarding.  The church had a 'live nativity' outside (which was really a bunch of mini-animals who were wrangled by teenagers in jeans, wearing sheets on their heads to look like wise men or Mary and Joseph or something).  Regardless, it was truly awesome--the miniature sheep, goats, donkey, and regular-size camel and rabbits were fascinating to Carson (and me, if I'm honest).  They weren't babies; they were just tiny.  So cute and non-threatening to pet. It kept Carson entertained throughout our time at church.

Anwyay, after church, we went back to my parents' house with brothers, sisters, and cousins, for lasagna and some hanging out before it was time to head home for bed.

The next morning, we woke up very excited to see how Carson would react to Christmas.  At the first peep she made through the monitor, Brandon shot out of bed and to her room before I had even fumbled around and gotten my glasses on my face (this is usually the exact opposite of how Brandon wakes up in the morning).  After a diaper change and a banana, we let Carson see the set-up by the tree.  She looked in the den, looked back at me, looked in the den, looked at Brandon...as if to say, "Did you guys see all this cool stuff?!?"  It was super-cute.

C's two main gifts were this play house door (we love it because it's smaller than a whole play house...obviously...but has a lot of the fun stuff a play house might have) and this train (which, by the way has NO off switch OR volume control).  If these had been the only things she received from anyone at all this year, she would still be playing non-stop with them, totally content.

We had a truly entertaining morning, watching the first Christmas that Carson got to really play with her gifts and show surprise and excitement with everything going on.  Brandon and I exchanged gifts as well, then C went down for a nap while we reviewed pictures from the morning, ate breakfast, and relaxed.

Once Carson was up again, we headed to my parents' house for more holiday fun.  There was a gift-opening bonanza, lots of good food, and such a warm and loving atmosphere.

My favorite part of the afternoon was watching Carson with her cousins.  They are just starting to interact, and it's hilarious.  She and Patrick had a hug-tackling tournament, during which they would hug and inevitably lose their balance and end up on the ground...which eventually became the goal.  It was fantastic.  And Maddy was so excited to see Carson, she kept patting her--which confused Carson to no end.  It made me look forward to all the holidays and years ahead of them playing together.

My mom also went to great lengths to accomodate all the food issues in our family (Carson's allergies to milk and eggs, and my aunt and cousin's wheat intolerance--physical, not personal).  In addition to making her usual gluten-free dishes for Ellie & Lindsay, my mom made a whole separate stuffing that was gluten and dairy-free, and she made sure Carson had dessert--her very first (soy) ice cream!

The next day, we loaded up the car, dogs, etc. and drove to Giddy and Grandad's in South Carolina for our second white Christmas.  Carson was a total trooper, after a long drive and busy weekend.  We pretty much opened gifts as soon as we got there, because Grandad hadn't let anyone touch the presents until Chad, Courtney, and the Beans arrived (although he was the only one who had trouble following the 'no open until everyone has their gifts' rule once we did start).  So this is what their den looked like when we got there...

It was another great afternoon, filled with plenty of of laughing and generosity.

We stayed in South Carolina from Sunday through Wednesday.  Brandon and Chad were able to golf once the snow melted.  Carson let Brandon and I practice our ninja skills of trying to go to bed in the same room as her without waking her--we would make terrible ninjas, by the way.  The group took turns making dinner, which was a fun change of pace (and probably a welcome one for Giddy, who is always an amazing host, no matter how tired she might be).  And Carson was just able to play and play--there's always something to entertain her, with all the people and pets who end up at the house.

Thank you so much to our families for another wonderful year!  We know how much work and coordination go into planning such fabulous holiday celebrations. 

Sorry there are so many pictures--I am terrible at editing (although I started with about 250 and narrowed it down to less than 100.  You're welcome).

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pre-Christmas Fun

So, I know I'm so far behind that this can barely be called a legitimate blog anymore.  I literally just turned on my computer for the first time in two weeks....
And before I post about our amazing Christmas fun, I'd like to post about a few cool things we did leading up to Christmas.

December 7--decorated the Christmas tree
Carson was pretty sure Brandon needed help with the lights (ps-Brandon is an expert tree-lighter!)

And she was WAY more interested in the boxes than the actual ornaments

My parents gave us this pickle that you turn on and hide, and it calls out 'hints' to help you find it.  It was one of Carson's favorite things to do at the house this year.
Where's that pickle...?

Found it!

December 11--trip to Athens
The trees in downtown Athens are always lit so beautifully at Christmastime, and we mean to go every year to walk around, shop, and enjoy the feel of it.  But it never happens. So this year, we put it on our calendars and stuck to it--and were so glad we did!  We got to see my cousin Chelsea, who lives up there (no pictures :(  )

Brandon proposed to me at the botanical gardens in Athens, and we haven't been back since--so that was a definite 'must' on our trip.  This is the spot Brandon asked me to marry him 6 and a half years ago.

And here we are with our daughter in the very same spot

December 12--Carson's first big illness
We have been very blessed with a very healthy daughter so far.  Thankfully, she had a trauma-free entry into the world, we've had no trips to the ER, no ear infections, no fever over 99...until this month.  This is what 103 degrees looks like

It was sucky to watch and be able to do nothing.  It was strange to see her be so still for so long and so 'blah' about everything.  Carson was ill for about a week but then got right back to her usual self!

December 16--Carson spent her first night out without Brandon & I
We want Carson to be comfortable spending the night with her grandparents as she gets older for several reasons--it offers Brandon & I the opportunity to have a night off from time to time, and it allows her to make some cherished memories with her grandparents.
We tried it for the first time this month, and it went really well.  Carson was somewhat clingy upon her return to our house, but she has since gotten over it.
Meanwhile, I hosted my friends' monthly girls dinner, which included our second annual white elephant ornament swap. 

We had a great time and were even blessed by a visit from Paige and brand new baby Everett, who had just finally been released from the NICU.  Welcome to the world, little man!

December 18--Santa Party
Our friends Marc and Sarah have Santa come to their house every year to pass out a gift to each child and pose for some pictures with the kiddos.  I imagine it's about 3,000 times better than standing in the mall line, so we were very excited for Carson and Santa's first meeting to take place under such agreeable conditions!
This is Carson when Santa first walked in:

And she seriously contemplated being okay with sitting on his lap.

But in the end, she decided against it.

December 21--a day of shopping
This was such a fun and exhausting day!  My wonderful sister Anna came over in the morning to stay with Carson while Brandon and I started and finished our Christmas shopping.  Anna chuckled when I was giving her instructions for the day and mentioned Carson's dinner food, just in case we weren't back in time--but she probably wasn't laughing when she actually had to feed it to her that night :)
Brandon and I had a carefree but busy day together and relished the opportunity not to have to plan around meals and naps and kid-friendly stores.  We truly enjoyed each other's company and even went out to dinner at the end (don't worry--we brought Anna some!) to review and laugh about our day.  While I wouldn't recommend putting off every single gift purchase until a few days before Christmas, I just might want to do it this way again next year!

Okay, so those are the things I wanted to post about before I got to our actual Christmas festivities.  Which I will.  I swear.

Here are some more pictures from the fun.