Saturday, July 31, 2010

Some Random Information

Okay, there are lots of updates to give and a more in-depth post coming about Carson's recent baptism.  But while I'm working on that post, I thought I'd share some of this stuff:

  • My fish died.  If you knew me in college, you probably knew my fish.  This fish was almost 11 years old at the time of his passing.  I got him when I turned 21 and he was just a few months old.  Am I sad to see him go?  Yes, of course.  He had been with me a long time and never gave me any trouble.  Am I also glad I don't have to keep a 55-gallon tank up and running just because this one. damn. fish. is still alive?  Well, yeah, that too.  Any guy friends I have out there reading are probably doing a little dance right now, because it means I won't ask them to help me move my fish tank ever again.  I'm just glad we didn't give him to our nephew Patrick for his birthday a few weeks ago like we were going to (surprise, Toby & Angie!), because nothing can ruin a 2-year-old's birthday present like it dying.

  • Carson has two more teeth!  Her top two broke through the skin last week, and I have to say I'm a little bummed.  I fear they will completely change the look of her face--and I have kind of grown to love her little face just like it is.  I feel like once she has top and bottom teeth, she won't look so much like a baby anymore.  And I'm just not ready for that.  Maybe the new teeth have something to do with why Carson has decided to quit eating solid food...or maybe she's just stubborn (where would she get that trait...?).

  • I start back to work next week.  After an amazing summer that flew by, I have to go in for all the pre-planning madness, starting next Wednesday.  Once the students start back to school, I will be working every Monday, every Wednesday, and every other Friday.  Can't beat it!  Carson will be staying with Jana and Lila on Mondays and Wednesdays--I'm so excited for her and Lila to continue to grow together.  And we truly feel so blessed that Carson will be in the hands of such a good friend and mommy like Jana.  Not sure how we got so lucky.  The grandmothers will be trading off watching Carson on the Fridays I work, which is another huge blessing and help.  I am definitely excited to get back to work, even though my heart hurts to think about not seeing Carson all day.  For my tenth year as a teacher, I will be teaching a dream class for a language arts nerd like me--it's a class my principal basically made up.  It's called "Literature" and all we really do is read and discuss books!  (while this is my dream job, it is Brandon's nightmare class)  I can't wait to get started, meet my students, and get into the rhythm of what our new schedule will be.  I am curious to see how Carson handles her schedule changing so much from day to day.

  • Pictures.  Even though Carson is just about to turn 8 months, we just got her 6-month pictures taken a couple weeks ago.  Sarah Wise, who took her newborn and two-month pictures, took them again and did another AMAZING job (granted, I might be biased, but decide for yourself)!  Thank you thank you thank you Sarah, for capturing our sweet smiley nugget so beautifully!  You should go check out her website by clicking on her name above.  Here are a few of our favorites from the session (although I had a REALLY hard time narrowing it down!):

Probably my favorite picture EVER:

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