Sunday, October 3, 2010

Without Dogs...

Brandon took the dogs with him overnight Friday night, while he drove his mom to her parents' house to recover from knee surgery.  I have been literally amazed by how much time and energy not having dogs around the house has saved me!

Here are a few things I have NOT had to do in the last 24 hours:

1. say, "lay down" every 3-5 seconds
2. corral Carson so she doesn't accidentally surprise a sleeping wolf
3. let the dogs out
4. let the dogs in shortly thereafter to keep them from barking incessantly at the neighbor's dogs
5. refill the water bowl--I seriously think our dogs have some sort of disease that requires them to drink vast amounts of water.  They drink over a gallon a day.
6. think twice before getting up/moving/adjusting my position/getting things done around the house while Carson's sleeping--Moe was not here to jump up, run around, slide into a wall cartoon-style, then plop down hard every time I blink
7. put my glasses on when I got up to pee in the middle of the night, in order to avoid stepping on Kaila (or her crap)
8. put a laundry basket on top of my bed when I leave to keep the dogs from hanging out (or puking--yes, that happened once) there
9. put a gate up in the hallway door when I go to bed to keep the dogs from exploring the rest of the house all night, lounging on our couches, and eating everything in the kitchen
10. wake up repeatedly during the night due to the sound of clacking nails wandering the hardwood floors

If I didn't have my dogs, would I miss them?  Yes, eventually.  But 24 hours is just not enough time to do so!


Jana Burrow said...

Oh how well I know these things...I felt like this post was written by me to some degree. While Lila and Molly are best friends, Molly and I are becoming distant because having a crazy dog and a crazy toddler at the same time is exhausting!

kace said...

I hear ya. Yesterday Kipper go out of the fence (So did Addy, but being the good dog she is she went around to the front door and barked until I let her in) and I was praying the whole time that a nice person would find him and keep him. Don't tell Dave:-) Unfortunately he came home.