A few weekends ago, Brandon and I got to spend the day with our niece and nephew, Madelyn and Patrick. Toby and Angie came up with the idea of the cousin swap, where we trade kids for a day so we can get to know the cousins without also having to focus on our own children at the same time. I think this is a brilliant idea It meant so much that Toby and Angie would want one-on-one time with Carson enough to come up with this idea (they had no idea that C would make it a bit of a challenge to get to know her better by basically being mute :) You can read all about her day at the Chattahoochee Nature Center on their blog by clicking here). We decided to take Patrick and Madelyn to Fernbank Science Center and then eat lunch outside.
Here are the steps to a successful cousin swap:
Step 1: Huddle Up
Step 2: Drive
This might have been the most entertaining drive Brandon and I have had in a very long time. Patrick narrated every single moment, while Maddy rested peacefully--not asleep, just settled in and listening to her brother's account of pretty much every single thing that passed through his line of sight or his mind. It was hilarious! Brandon said we could probably write a short book, filled only with the "Patrick-isms" we heard on the way over. A few of our favorites:
"That car is a convertible because it doesn't have a top.""A fire truck! That. Was. AWESOME!"
Whenever he doubted our explanations, he replied, "Um, I don't know about that."
Step 3: Get Creative
After we arrived at the museum, while I was picking up our tickets for the day, Brandon and Patrick started looking at some of the glass cases containing various animals, posed in their natural habitats. Brandon got very creative when he explained that one eagle was protecting the duck lying in his talons from the other eagle.
Then, toward the end of the visit, there was a similar situation with a bobcat and a rabbit, who were playing with one another on the hill.
We definitely got a peek into what it will be like as Carson becomes more aware of her surroundings and better able to ask questions about them. And really, we got to see what it might be like with two little guys in tow, rather than just our one. My brain, my hands, my eyes...everything was busier. Brandon was basically super-uncle, never getting frazzled in the crowds and always taking time to enjoy the moments.
Step 4: Have a blast!
We hit the 'mythical creatures' wing first, where there were all kinds of creatures from legends and fairy tales. Maddy really liked the horse-type animals, like the unicorn and pegasus, and kept saying, "Ooooooohh," and pointing to them. It was precious.
One of the main reasons we chose Fernbank is because of their dinosaur exhibits. If you know anything about Patrick, you know he is a dinosaur afficionado and a connosieur of all things prehistoric. We truly enjoyed watching him gaze up at the life-size replicas and stroll from one display to the next, taking it all in. The dinosaur eggs particularly caught his eye and his imagination.
Meanwhile, Madelyn remained so laid-back throughout the trip. She was content to be held by either Brandon or I--or to sit in the stroller and people-watch. She loved seeking out the birds up in the trees of the various scenes the museum had set up.
There was also this pesky dragon that seemed to be following us around the museum. Patrick was not his biggest fan. While Patch loved the 2-story-high dinosaurs, this normal-size-man-in-a-dragon-suit was very unnerving for him. We somehow kept ending up on the elevator with this guy, and Patrick clung tightly to Brandon's neck anytime he was around. By the end of the day, Patrick was pretty sure we didn't even need the elevator anymore.
Step 5: FOOD
After we had seen all the exhibits the kids wanted to see, it was time to eat. Brandon got some sandwiches and drinks from the cafe while the kids and I got set up outisde, because the weather was perfectly amazing. Just as we were getting everything settled, a music show started, featuring two dancing Chinese dragons. Brandon and Patrick were both VERY excited about it and went to watch, while Maddy and I got started on lunch. The boys came back, and we enjoyed our food in the sunshine and breeze.
When Patrick finished up, he spotted these two dinosaur-shaped bushes on the patio where we were eating. I took him over to investigate, and he examined them closely from all angles. It was so cute to watch his mind work, as he thought about other bushes he had seen, other dinosaurs he had seen...and how these were both of those things at once. One of the moments I thought was funniest was when a boy nearby dared to tell Patrick something he already knew about dinosaurs. Patrick stared at him and said matter-of-factly, "You shouldn't talk with your mouth full." Then he proceeded to sing a song about dinosaurs and show the boy a dinosaur dance. I was proud that Patch was with me.
We really could have sat out there all day, spending some quality time with two of the most amazing kids, enjoying the sunshine and so many things to see. But naptimes called, so we had to pack it up and head home.
Step 6: The Rundown
After our big day, we met back at Toby and Angie's house to return all children to their rightful owners and hear about each other's days. The kids got to play together some, and we were able to share all our stories with Toby and Angie, as well as hear about the fun Carson had had with them.
Going into the day, Brandon and I were excited about the things we'd planned and also a little bit nervous that the kids might not be comfortable spending the day with us without their parents. We were pleasantly surprised in every way--we never could have imagined how much fun we would actually have, and we were blown away by how well the kids warmed up to us and just went with the flow of the day.
We are beyond grateful that Toby and Angie thought of this plan and made it happen. We made memories that Brandon and I will always cherish, and we can't wait to re-tell stories from the day to Carson, Patrick, and Madelyn. I think we all left the weekend knowing it will be something we do again repeatedly. What a blessing to live so close to Carson's cousins and to have family who loves our daughter enough to make knowing her a priority. And what an amazing niece and nephew we have as a part of our life. Thank you, Patrick and Maddy, for a truly perfect day!
And here is a slideshow of the whole day.....
I love the Huddle Up picture! And as somebody who shares in Patrick's enthusiasm for dinosaurs, seeing Patrick with his hands in a giant T-rex foot print is pretty awesome :)
I'm so glad we were all able to make this happen. Thank you guys again for giving our kids such a great day and letting us steal your little angel for the day as well. Patrick still sleeps with the stuffed dino you got him and had to take it to school with him the next week to show all his friends and teachers! We love you guys and we love Carson and can't wait to make more memories like this!
That last picture is great! Love their little faces poking through the holes!! What a great idea! Glad you guys had such a fun day :)
Looking forward to many more cousin swaps, cousin camp-outs and spend the nights! Patrick and I have already picked out your new house for when you move into our neighborhood. It's six houses up the street from us, gorgeous red brick with a two car garage and a fenced in backyard. Did I mention it's SIX houses up the street from us?!?! You'd have a built-in babysitter, dog sitter and imagine this...Carson and Madelyn in the same class at Goddard twice a week! How lovely! There is only one condition; you must take a weekend here and there to drop Carson at our house while you and Brandon take a little childless vaca...
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