Thursday, July 26, 2012

Stuff Other People Have Blogged About Our Family

I know I've been a slacker blogger. I'm working on the overwhelming task of catching up.
As most of you know, spring (when I dropped off the face of the blogging planet) is always a crazy time for us at the Bean household. Brandon's work gets nuts, with getting pools ready to open. My work gets nuts, because it's 'testing season' (which requires making multiple-choice test prep interesting to 8th graders) and the end of the year (which requires a ridiculous amount of paperwork on every.single.student. I teach).
And this was also the first spring that I've been working full-time since we had Carson.
So lay off. We've been busy. Good busy though--we're both so grateful to have jobs we love and to be able to spend the free time we've had making memories......
So to try to ease back into things here, today's list is a few blogs that other people have written that involve our family. Really, the two sources are Toby & Angie's blog and Jana's blog. Honestly, you've probably already read them, because if you know us, you probably know one or both families. But it's a good way to document a few things that have been going on with us.
We share a lot of events, celebrations, and day-to-day with these two families, so their blogs have helped to keep track of us these days. Thanks guys! :)

Weekend with Cousins:

Color Run:


Some Random Pics/Videos of Carson at Her Second Home with the Burrows

My mom's 60th birthday:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Mom's WHAT????