Saturday, October 6, 2012

Future Big Sister

Good news: I'm blogging! (For now--don't pressure me!)

Bad news: this post is about 7 and a half months late......but I'm still posting it! And probably more late posts too.

So as you read, know that this post was actually penned on October 6, 2012. No clue why I didn't publish it then.

To say that Carson is excited about having a baby brother/sister would be an understatement. Her entire world has revolved around it from the moment we told her. She is such a compassionate and thoughtful kid that the idea of having a teeny tiny human to care for is about the best thing she has ever heard of. We wanted to record some of her thoughts and comments over the last several months, because I think they'll make us smile for years to come.

We wanted to tell Carson about the baby before we told anyone else--it just felt like she should be the first to know. We've had several friends lately who have had babies, so she regularly asks people if they have a baby in their tummies (so don't get offended if it's you). When we told her there was one in Mommy's tummy, she was really happy. And you could see the wheels turning right away.

Over the next few days, she asked some questions.

--That baby in your tummy...does it talk?

--Is the baby crying? Babies cry a lot.

--When the baby comes will use a top on its cup?

We've also had a few other funny/sweet moments.

Us: Carson, do you think the baby is a boy or a girl?

Carson: Girl.

Us: ...but if it's a boy, we'll still love it.

C: (thinks for a few seconds) Nah.

One evening, putting Carson to bed, she started talking about the baby and how babies spit up a lot...and then remembered that babies sometimes wear bibs because they spit up a lot...and then realized she hadn't seen any bibs at our house....and started FREAKING OUT. "Do we have any bibs?!?! The baby will need bibs when it spits up!!"

We assured her yes, we had bibs. She didn't buy it. She wouldn't calm down to go to bed until Brandon found our stash of bibs and showed them to her. She was so relieved. She must think we're idiots.

If she accidentally bumps into my tummy, she says, "Oh, sorry! Are you okay?" I say, "It's okay. It didn't hurt." And then she reaches over like she's going to hug me--but hugs my tummy, kisses it, and apologizes again to the baby. She was talking to him all along.

One night while reading bedtime stories, Carson was drinking her cup of milk. She paused and held her cup up to my tummy, explaining she was sharing. After about a minute, she took it away, announcing, "She doesn't want any."

We are positive our little girl is going to be the best big sister any baby could have. She is excited, concerned, and eager to help already. She makes sure we include the baby when we're talking about our family, always reminding us to list it among the people going on an outing. When we discuss the things the baby will do or need after it's here, she says seriously, "I will help, Mommy. I will help you and Daddy with that."

I really can't imagine a child being more anxious to love something than Carson is to love this baby. What a blessing to have a daughter who is so selfless and curious and open-hearted! Although we know our new child will be different from Carson in so many ways, experiencing the joy of parenting C makes us so much more excited to meet and nurture someone new!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Toby said...

Hurray for a new blog!

I love that one where C offers the baby milk. And what a great big sister she's turned out to be!