Sunday, March 14, 2010


So Carson is a bit over 3 months now, and it seems like she is a new baby every couple of days!  She has been changing so quickly and drastically (to us anyway) we feel like we can't keep up!  Here are a few of the things Carson has realized lately:
There are things attached to the ends of her arms (those things that wave around a lot when she's happy) and if she's lucky, they do what she tells them to do.

Other people have hands too!!!!  They are fun to watch.

It feels good when hands rub your eyes when you're tired or go into your mouth when you're hungry.

There is A LOT of cool stuff to see in the world.  She has become so aware of everything around her.  She can't concentrate when she eats, she contorts her body all over the place to see more while we play, and when we read her books she actually looks at the pages with interest.  

Lying down is no longer an option because she might miss something.  She is constantly trying to sit herself up further.  As a result, we see this face a lot:

Before long, Carson will be sitting up on her own!  She's still too unsteady to be set free though. 

There is a lot to be happy about, especially after a bath, when you're naked and clean!

We also tried putting Carson in her little doorway jumper thing this week, now that she can hold her head up.  I think they used to call them Johnny Jump Ups or something, but Carson's is called a Sassy Seat.  Which cracks me up.  She's still a little bit too small to get the full experience, but if this isn't sassy, I don't know what is:


Grandma Flowers said...

That last picture is great! Definitely going to be my new computer wallpaper. She's growing so fast.

Sarah said...

I love that last picture!! She is just adorable :)

Paula said...

She is so precious and fun I can't even verbalize! You do a great job with your blog.

Angie said...

Carson is such a cutie!