Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Totally Rad Weekend

I'm mainly going to let the pictures speak for themselves on this one.  Saturday night, Brandon's parents came to watch Carson (thanks Gram & Poppy!) while Brandon and I went to an eighties-themed birthday party for this guy (seen here dressed as Prince):

Everyone had a blast re-living their childhood fashion crimes.  I personally enjoyed seeing everyone's take on the 80's and what that period embodied for them.  Especially Brandon.

And yes, he really did shave his head.

I broke out my vintage Strawberry Shortcake watch (it's creepy calling something I owned as a kid vintage) and stuck with the more traditional side-ponytailed valley girl look...

While others went with the 80's glam/punk rock effect.

And still others had their own visions they brought to life.

Needless to say, there is not a thrift store left in the Altanta area with a single piece of neon clothing or a pair of keds to their name.  Which is probably a good thing.

1 comment:

John said...

My god. It's like pictures from my yearbook. Really.