We were finally able to go visit Brandon's family in South Carolina this past weekend, although the trip went by much too quickly. Here's how it all went down:
- leave house at 7pm--despite Brandon getting up at 4:30am, he just couldn't get away from work any earlier. Plus, Carson has grown to hate the car seat (or anything we strap her into), so we were hoping the late departure would allow her to sleep most of the way. It did not.
- stop by a pool on our way out of town to drain/tighten/clamp/adjust something. We do this almost every time we leave the house as a family these days. But hey--at least we're together!
- Arrive at Giddy & Grandad's around 12:30am. Spend the next hour trying to get Carson back to sleep.
- 6:30am--Carson wakes up, ready to play! Here are some of the fun things she did on Saturday:
- play with Daddy and show off her 'standing' skills. She's grinning at Grandad in this picture
- Hang out with Grandad--C LOVED Grandad! She would grin, talk, laugh, or just stare--anything to make sure Grandad was watching her. And who wouldn't love Grandad?--he's gentle and loving, like any Grandad should be. But he's also sarcastic, hilarious, a hell of a golfer, and loves to wear message t-shirts. The shirt he's wearing here says, "He who laughs last thinks slowest." I know Giddy and Gram are just glad he wasn't wearing his "Hottie" shirt.
*That's Giddy in the background. She was VERY busy this weekend, making sure everyone had what they needed, which included some great food, like Giddy always has on hand. Between how busy she and Carson both were, we weren't able to get a pic of them together!
Hang out with Gram and try to make her legs feel better...by bouncing on them.
Read books and play with Great-Aunt Peggy :) Just kidding--we call her Aunt Peggy. And a BIG congratulations to Peggy for getting into the nursing program she has been working toward!
Play with Daddy some more
Hang with Poppy for a bit
And I just have to tell you--Giddy & Grandad's house is like summer camp for our dogs. They have this huge backyard, and there is almost always someone with the patience and time to throw a ball. Plus, Giddy LOVES animals--so in addition to spoiling our dogs, she also feeds and waters just about every animal living within a square mile of the house. So there are always plenty of squirrels, cats, other dogs, birds, chipmunks, and who knows what else for our dogs to chase. We're seriously considering leaving them there for "extended camp" next time we visit.
Moe goes in and out and in and out and in and out........
Kaila sure was glad we brought these mats for her.....if only all the toys weren't in the way!
Then Sunday morning, we got up early to head home and had breakfast at Huddle House with Grandad before leaving. We were hoping again that Carson would sleep in the car. This time, it worked! She was tuckered out from a big weekend!
And Brandon had a great first Father's Day. He and C watched the Braves game and hung out all afternoon.
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