Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Flurry of Newness, Part 2

This post has taken forever to write because it keeps changing! Carson is in a phase where things are happening so fast. She'll have a super-cute habit for a few days and then it's onto something else. I'm going to attempt to document...

First, 6 of my favorite seconds.  Don't know why she's hiding behind the lunchmeat, but she's so happy when she reveals herself & I 'find' her!

Here are some fun things Carson is up to lately:

running--the kid can take off these days, and she often does so with her head down toward the ground and her arms out behind her, like she's trying to be more aerodynamic. Too funny!

general business--she still loves putting objects into things and taking them out again. Her first sentence was, "I put it."  She can entertain herself for 30 minutes at a time just organizing her links or balls.  This video is of one of her favorite things to do for awhile.  She'd take these pretend pieces of mail and walk all around the room--setting them out, picking them up, and then doing it again somewhere else.  Hilarious to me.  She seemed to feel it was very important work. (side note: yes, our Christmas decorations were still out...but that doesn't necessarily mean it was a long time ago).

shape sorting--C woke up one morning and decided she had figured out how to use her shape sorter (you know, the bucket with a lid that has different-shaped holes in it). She needs help sometimes figuring out which hole to put them in, but she can get them all through. Same thing for a puzzle she has with different shapes on it--on this one, she can even figure out which one goes in which slot. Too cool.

Letters--suddenly, Carson is showing an interest in letters. I'm not sure if it's because we got her some letters for the fridge for Christmas or what, but whenever she sees letters (on a shirt, cup, etc), she starts pointing to them, asking us to identify each one. There are several letters or sounds she usually knows (Q, I, Y, O, P, C), but Q is by far her favorite letter.  I don't have the heart to tell her that, aside from the alphabet, she will rarely get to see the letter Q.

Pretending to read--I'll let this video do the talking.

And here is a quick mash of some other random videos from the past couple months:


Angie said...

Unless she marries Quinn and then she could see a lot of the letter Q. :)

Aunt Anna said...

I lovee hearing her talk more! Looks like our little princess has definitely found her voice!! :)