Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Flurry of Newness: Words

I'm way behind on my Carson-skills updates!  I'm breaking this into two posts, and I promise the next one isn't far behind and will include videos.

The biggest change lately are the advances in Carson's verbal skills.  Suddenly, she's trying to repeat everything we say (and it usually comes out as "dada" or "gaga" but she's getting there :)  ), even the words...a kid shouldn't say.  We're working on it.  But she's really enjoying being able to express herself more clearly.

Here are some new words she uses regularly and usually correctly (actual pronunciations in parentheses if different from the real one):

bow (buh)--always with hand on hair, indicating she'd like it put there--and honestly, it's usually the first thing out of her mouth in the morning.  She stands up in her crib, puts her hand on her head and asks for a bow...which makes me think I might have a girly-girl on my hands!
please (pweese), thank you (te-te)--we're so happy with her good manners!
whee!--said when going down the driveway, usually
help (opa)--somehow we raised her like she's at a Greek party
puzzle (buh-buh), circle (guh-guh)--pretty much all shapes are circles, purple (puh-puh)
yeah--sounds just like the real thing, and she says it whenever she wants to be included in a conversation or when she really means it.  It's hilarious.  She varies her inflections and tone of voice like she's just carrying on with us.
nah--thankfully, she doesn't yet know what nah means, but she uses it like she does 'yeah' when she wants to chat
night-night (nigh-nigh)--she says this when she's tired and ready to go to bed.  Just plops down on the floor wherever she is and says, "Night night."  My parents say I used to do this as well--put myself to bed when I was tired.  I love that she doesn't fight it!
laundry (da-dee)--her favorite thing to do
up, down--often says up when she means down.  Prepositions are tricky!
again (gan, geen)--she says this at the end of any book she wants to re-read, which is all of them.
Carson (Guh-guh)--it's so cool to see her recognize herself in photos and mirrors
Gram (guh), Grandma (guh-guh), Anna, Angie (anna)

And here are some recent pictures:

1 comment:

Aunt Anna said...

She just gets cuter every second!!