Monday, November 7, 2011


**I'll go ahead and apologize in advance for the ridiculous amount of pictures in this post.  There were too many precious moments to choose just a few!

A few weekends ago, we decided to take an adventure and go camping with some very good friends (Jana, Kim W and Sara) and two toddlers.  The Suskay family was kind enough to let us camp on the land outside their cabin--we decided our first attempt at sleeping outside with the kids might be less stressful if there was backup in the form of a fully-furnished cabin nearby.

The weekend was a huge success, to say the least.  Here are a few things that kind of surprised me...but not really...about our journey.

1. Apple picking is just as fun the second time around.
We returned to Mercier orchards, where we went for birthday celebrations the previous weekend.  Carson was just as entertained as the first time she went--and really, so was I!

2. Brandon functioned great as the only male among a group of 6 women.
He was incredibly handy to have around.  He did all of the heavy lifting involved with camping and cooked all of our meals.  We went camping a few years ago with the same group of adults (before we had any kids), and he was the only guy then too.  I love that I am married to a man who is not intimidated by a group of strong women.  I am also fairly certain Kim's tent would never have fit inside its bag ever again had he not taken control of the situation when we were packing to leave.

3. Moe was in heaven.
As you look through the pictures from the weekend, you can sort of play 'where's Waldo' with Moe, because he was NEVER more than 2 feet from the action.  If he is not in a picture, it is only because he was cropped out as I put it into the blog.  He ran so much his feet were literally bleeding for the next 2 days.

4. The girls slept perfectly in their tents.
This one actually did surprise me.  I wasn't sure how that was going to go, but they both passed out quickly and slept through the whole night.  I suppose that's what running around for a full 8 hours straight does for a toddler...and her parents.

5. We really acted like we were camping.
Okay, so we didn't pee in the Suskays' yard, BUT the bathroom was really the only convenience we used in the cabin. Well, we might have used the porch swing and rocking chairs.  We cooked all our meals over the fire, used our tiny camping pillows and Thermarest mats, and otherwise basically ignored that we were at a house.  I want Carson to know the 'roughing it' way to camp as she gets older.  She's definitely not ready for hiking a few miles into a campsite, but at least she won't think the only way to camp is in an Airstream.

Here are a few of my favorite moments from the weekend:

Carson and Daddy--I love them together!

This beauty, who seems to pose for pictures without being asked.

These gorgeous girls singing Ring Around the Rosies, holding hands, and laughing.  I hope in 30 years they are still finding time to play outside together and sit and stare at beautiful landscapes.

Mommy-Carson time :)

Brandon took the girls for a walk & they returned with flowers for everyone!

Lila and Carson trading hats. They're so stinking cute!

And...believe it or not, there are even more pictures that are not in this post.....

A post of randomness is soon to come!  Haircuts, Halloween, and Hilarity....


Toby said...

Great pictures! Glad you guys had a fun time and please tell Brandon that next time, I'll be there so he's not the only guy. However, I will probably need his help putting the tent in the bag because I'm terrible at that.

Aunt Anna said...

So stinkin' adorable!