Monday, November 21, 2011

Haircuts, Halloween, and Hilarity

Since Thanksgiving just passed.......I figure I should post about Halloween.

Here are a few things from our October:

*Carson got her first haircut!  Much to Brandon's dismay, C's locks were lopped in early October.  It wasn't that I wanted her hair to be shorter, just a bit neater.  She's coming up (quickly) on two years old, and I just felt it was time.  Although I adore her hair on a daily basis, the ends were a little wispy and her layers were a bit uneven, etc.

Carson and Lila went for their first clip together, which was perfect.  Due to both of their personality quirks, we decided Carson would go first, then Lila. 

Thankfully, Carson didn't get upset about it at all, and when it was Lila's turn, she did great too! And we would highly recommend Salon Red Kids in downtown Decatur--they did a GREAT job with the girls.

As usual, Carson's face showed exactly what she was thinking....

But she ended up totally satisfied with the experience

*At the end of the month was, of course, Halloween.  First, we carved our pumpkin, which Carson basically thought was disgusting. 

BUT she really enjoyed watching the process

And the pumpkin turned out cute!

And then there was dress-up time.  Brandon and I have tried to savor these few years we have of forcing her into the costumes of our choosing.  We figure next year, she will probably have an opinion about what she'd like to be.  So she was a pirate this year, because we thought it would be super duper cute.  And in my opinion, we were pretty right.

We also enjoy forcing pets to be part of the festivities, so Moe was a perfect first mate for Captain Bean.

Uncle Jonathan came to hang out with us for the evening, which made the night even more fun for C.
Carson hung out in the cul-de-sac for a bit before venturing out to a few houses for real trick-or-treating.  We did buy Carson some non-allergenic candy like lollipops and Smarties, but she doesn't really like any of it.  So we moved on pretty quickly from Halloween candy, which is just fine with us!

*Lastly, I just have to mention some of the hilarious things Carson is coming up with these days so we don't forget them and in case you get a kick out of them.  A few of these are a couple months old, but they're worth remembering to us, so here you have them:

--All messes are made by Mommy.  In the grocery store, we can come upon a pile of toppled items in an aisle, and she blurts out, "Mommy made a mess!"  I'm like...uh, I just got here! 

--Her concept of more and less of things has been fascinating.  For example, if she wants the lights to be brighter, she says, "Make it loud."  Or when we went to the cabin, she would ask for the fire to be "more quiet" which I think meant less hot.

--She repeats phrases we say to her frequently.  When asked how she's doing, she replies, "Um, pretty good."  When she's giving her baby dolls a diaper change, she says, "I know, I know.  It's just a diaper change, baby! It's okay!  We're almost done."  She got confused by a discussion Brandon & I were having the other day and said, "What is happening?  I just don't believe it."

--She is becoming more aware of her emotions.  She'll say, "I'm sad at Mommy because I want to play with my puzzle."  Or she'll project what she's feeling onto her stuffed animals:  Doggy is mad because he wants more milk.

--She also continues to be aware of when she is tired and will always ask to go to bed when she's ready.  Just today in the car, she said/whined, "Mommy, hold you (me).  I'm just too tired!"

--Her imagination is beginning to develop rapidly.  She often pretends to be other things/animals. 
A few of my favorite examples:
*She bent her placemat over her head the other day and said, "I'm a tunnel!"
*She wrapped her green blanket around her neck and said, "I'm a turtle!"
*She crawled across my lap with a lot of effort and bending and said, "I'm a slinky!"
It's just too funny how their brains process things.

--When she wants your attention, she'll gently grab your chin, turn your head, and say, "Look Daddy, LOOK!"  She also calls this from across the room when she wants to show you something.

Okay, I think this makes us officially caught up so we can post about *somebody's* upcoming birthday and party (I'm still in denial that it's Carson).  Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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