Thursday, January 21, 2010

This Must Be What Pinnocchio Felt Like When He Became a Real Boy

So, good news--Carson no longer has to eat every 3 hours all day and all night.  Several nights lately, she has gone 5 to 6 hours between feedings (which usually gives me 4-5 hours of sleep--in a row!).  This has had a life-changing effect on me in many ways:

  • The majority of the sentences I start now get finished.
  • If I cried today, I would probably know why and it would be for a logical reason.  Probably.
  • When I come home from the store & unload groceries--I recognize all the items I brought home and remember putting them in the cart (let's just say there was a time when you'd have thought I was stockpiling black eyed peas for the apocalypse).  Granted, it's possible that I might occasionally still leave groceries AT the grocery store (i.e. the toilet paper I bought on Monday).  Baby steps.
  • Brandon and I don't have this conversation on a daily basis:
    • Bean 1: (makes some sort of comment or statement)
    • Bean 2: What?  That doesn't make sense to me.
    • Bean 1: (repeats statement)
    • Bean 2: Huh?
    • Bean 1:  (Attempts to repeat statement) Nevermind. I forget what I was trying to say.
  • I have dreams again!  Which I am clearly not used to.  I'll turn to Brandon and say something like, "Remember when we were outside the other day?  And you were chopping down that tree with your bare hands?  And then that squirrel came up and started talking to us about........Wait."
I can't wait to see what happens when she sleeps through the night.  For now, I can only dream of days when I remember to look in the mirror before leaving the house, put BOTH earrings in on a consistent basis, or can effectively multitask again.

1 comment:

Angie said...

I am so glad she is sleeping more for you! It really does change things, doesn't it? Enjoy these precious moments. They grow up WAY too fast!