Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Major Developments

So over the past few weeks, Carson has developed from a tiny baby who eats, sleeps, and poops into a real live person who does lots of other things.  Here are the highlights:

She is mobile.  Well, as mobile as a two month old gets.  At about 6 weeks, Carson rolled over to her back during "tummy time" (that's a phrase we learned as part of our new parent lingo).  At first, we thought it was a fluke accident, but she has continued to roll over since then.  No more putting her on the kitchen counters or on top of the car!

She is vocal.  Carson has discovered her voice.  And it's beautiful!  It's hilarious when she gets all worked up, arms and legs cycling, eyebrows going up and down, eyes full of excitement...and then her body finally remembers how to make a sound.  One little coo and she is so obviously and totally proud of herself.  And we are too--proud of her, that is. Not ourselves.

She is happy--about something other than passing gas.  This is by far Brandon's and my favorite new development.  While we always agreed with her that farts are hilarious, it's amazing to have her smile because she sees our faces looking back at her.  If you read my mom's blog about being a grandmother, you already knew about this development, but I have been a little slack in blogging lately.  The best is when the smiling and talking are combined.  Her changing table is her happiest and chattiest place in the world.  Something about being naked and poop-free just makes the girl grin.

She is growing.  When Carson went for her two-month check-up, she had gained 2 pounds exactly and had grown 2  whole inches.  I am jealous, because I have never grown 2 inches in anything short of a year, let alone in one month!  This also means she is beginning to outgrow her newborn clothes and diapers.  She is actually wearing 0-3 month clothes now.  It's fun to have a whole new wardrobe to try out every few months (provided mostly, of course, by her grandparents).

She is starting "day care."  I went back to work part-time this past week, and our fabulous friends Seth and Jana (whose fabulous blog can be viewed here) are sharing their home and their nanny with us.  Jana's sister Sara, whom I've known for about 15 years, is our nanny.  And that sentence just made me feel really old in so many ways.  So Sara, Carson, and Jana and Seth's precious daughter Lila hang out during the day, which has rocked poor Lila's world off its axis.  But Sara says each day is a little bit easier and Carson is gone for the afternoons, so Lila still gets a bit of one-on-one time too.  We're excited for Carson to start getting "socialized" at such a young age but to have the ability to still spend most of each day with her ourselves.  Such a blessing.

She has a new cousin!!!!  We are so excited to welcome Madelyn Claire Flowers to the world and to our family.  Because they are only 2 months apart, we have great visions of this pair growing up together, sharing clothes, getting ready for prom.......let's not get ahead of ourselves though.  Madelyn surprised us all by arriving 3 weeks early!  Her mom Angie, dad Toby, brother Patrick, and baby girl are all doing great!  Read more about her on their family's blog here .

So as you can see, we have been very busy lately--and that's my excuse for not posting in such a long time.  Yeah.  And I promise some pictures later this week.  Promise.


Kim W. said...

Katie - you are so so funny! And I am so happy for you and Brandon! I can't wait to come snuggle on that little dream girl soon. Love ya!

Paula said...

I love Carson's new "talents." I think she's FAR ahead of her age group......don't you? And pictures would be great!!

Jana Burrow said...

Love it! I wish me, Lila, you, Carson, and Sara could just hang out all day instead of stupid work. What a great time we would have laughing at Carson's farts and Lila's burps :-)