Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Two New Things Carson Does

I've been working on a longer post with a bunch of C's new "talents" in it, but I caught this video today and had to post asap.  Here's a preview:

 In the video, you will see Carson doing two of her new favorite things:

1. Sitting Up--the Boppy pillow is sort of a buffer and a soft landing spot, which you can see she utilizes in the video.  But she does a pretty good job on her own!

2. The Raspberry Sound--she buzzes her lips together like it's her job.  Even when she tumbles over, she keeps on spitting.  I particularly like the end where she seems to suddenly realize she's being watched.


Sarah said...

oh.my.goodness. That is hilarious!! You're not kidding when you say she does it like it's her job! She is adorable :)

Grandma said...

So, funny. She looks like she's concentrating so hard on the sound she doesn't even realize the really big milestone of sitting up!

Dad said...

Hey Chucko, that doesn't sounds like a rasberry to me....

Gram said...

This is the funniest yet!!! How sad that this single act, the "raspberry sound", will make her Dad and Grandad so very, very proud!!!!

Angie said...

Love it!