Thursday, May 6, 2010

All of a Sudden

Seriously, I can't believe Carson is 5 months old.  At the same time though, it feels like much longer than five months that she has been in our lives.  In the past few weeks, Carson has started doing many new things.  All of a sudden, it's like she's a whole new older, more independent, more interested, more amazing kid.  Here are some updates:

She has discovered her feet.  She loves them.  And so she spends about 35% of her awake time in this position:

She is ticklish now.  Very ticklish.  Which we take full advantage of, poor thing.  It's just so much fun to hear her laugh out loud.  I'm working on catching a video of it.  I can't help but laugh out loud myself every single time that she does.

She has a sense of humor.  Laughing isn't just a response to being tickled.  She thinks certain sounds and faces are hilarious.  It's so fascinating to try different things and see what strikes her as amusing.  And I even think sometimes that she is being silly on purpose.  I am truly amazed by this development, because it seems like such a huge change in how her brain works.

As you saw in the last post, she can roll over from her back to her front.  As my friend Kim says, it's like she has a magnet in her chest now that just pulls her over every time she's on her back--whether she actually wants to be on her stomach or not.  So she spends about 30% of her time like this:

And finally, we recently introduced her to rice cereal because she started waking up in the middle of the night hungry.  Which she hasn't done for about 2 months now.  So hopefully the cereal will give her what she needs to sleep through the night again, once she gets the hang of it.  Here she is looking all tiny in her high chair.

And here are some of her first few bites of (watery) cereal, if you're interested:


Angie said...

She gets cuter by the minute! Watching Brandon feed her was the sweetest thing. I can't tell who was enjoying it more :)

Paula said...

Sweetness!!! I love to see her progress! Gram

Sarah said...

I agree with Angie! And I think Brandon was enjoying way more than Carson :)