Saturday, May 22, 2010

A List in Pictures

I'm not sure if this really counts as a list, but I'm pretty sure there aren't blogger police out there making sure you stay true to your blog title.  So here's what we've been up to the past week or two, with pictures telling most of the story.  Lazy blogging, I know. 

Carson has fallen in love with tags.  Whether they are on clothes, blankets, toys, or pillows, they fascinate her (and a lot of babies) to no end.

 This is how happy they make her:

Brandon's parents came over to hang out with Carson while I was sick last Saturday.  Thank you very much!  It was a really big help!  I didn't get any pictures from the day though, because...well...I was sick.

Carson attended her first birthday party for a friend.  Her buddy Lila turned one year old recently!  Here is the super-cute birthday girl with her humongoid cupcake.  Um, yes please!

We went to my parents' house for my mom's birthday celebration, where we got to hang out with aunts, uncles, and cousins.

This is my mom in heaven:

And seriously, how stinking cute is Cousin Madelyn???

Carson read/ripped a magazine with Daddy. 

Here, they are both shocked that the page came out.


 Carson and her good friend Moe have hung out a lot.

And we've also had lots and lots of smiles!



Gram said...

I don't think I've seen a baby this happy in a long time.......if ever! She is such a joy to watch/babysit/watch/watch!!!!

Angie said...

She has the best smile!