Monday, May 17, 2010

My First Mother's Day

Let me begin by letting you know this post is more for me than for you.  So I don't feel too badly that it's late.  While I do want to share the fun & wonderful things about my first MD, I also don't want to forget them.  And that's the main reason I'm writing this. 
So here's how it all went down.....

Friday--'Carson' sent me flowers at work. So sweet!

Saturday--Brandon took a break from his 5am to midnight (I know!) workday to come home & mow the lawn (yea!) and stay with Carson while I got a much-needed haircut.

Carson woke up with her first tooth!  I can't believe she is already getting teeth--wasn't she just born?  And by the time she went to bed that night, a second tooth had popped through her gums.  You can sort of see them here if you look really close and squint:

We got up early and went to church.  Carson wore this sweet little dress--the only single-item clothing splurge Brandon and I have participated in so far.  However, we have no pictures of it, because in the car after church,'s just say she can't wear the dress anymore.  Hugest explosion to date.  Clean-up literally involved Brandon's use of a hose.  My mom, who has raised five children, nearly threw up over it.  That's how major it was.

Moving on!

We went to my parents' house for breakfast--delicious and fun to hang out.

We wrangled Carson some godparents--thank you, Uncle Jon and Aunt Anna!  More to come on the baptism when it gets closer.

Carson and I went to Brandon's soccer game.  The weather was absolutely perfect, so spending a few hours outside with my daughter, watching my husband's forth a valliant effort...was a fantastic way to pass the afternoon.

Brandon went and picked up dinner from a little Italian place near our house--delicious!

I had super-extended story time with C.  She was way into her books this night, which I loved.  I sat her up on a little pillow next to me and we just read and read.

Carson slept great through the night (something she has been struggling a bit with these days)--the best gift of all!


Paige said...

Sounds like the perfect Mother's Day! Love the pic of you reading to her!

Steven said...

Congratulations on the 1st tooth! Remember to Catch The Tooth Fairy in the act for FREE. Enter coupon code "fairy-proof". In 3 simple steps anyone can upload a photo, add the Tooth Fairy, and print it out or share it via Facebook, Twitter, email, etc. Imagine the look of wonder and surprise when a child receives a photo of the Tooth Fairy caught in their room.